Computers > Managing Computers > Change the security level on a computer
Security levels provide settings that you can apply to computers to prevent users from modifying folders and files on the computer's hard disk.
By default, computers have Standard security. This is designed to allow programs that use established good practices to work unimpeded, while providing a moderate level of security. For example, users are prevented from running programs that are not in the program sets they have access to or have not been installed by a system administrator, and they are also prevented from modifying system files.
This level of security is usually adequate. However, you can change the security level to one of the following:
Advanced This prevents all files and registry settings from being changed. However, this high level of security may cause problems if you want to install and run programs which do not meet the Windows guidelines.
None This returns a computer to its factory settings so that all users can modify files and registry settings.
For further details on security levels and their implications, refer to your Community Connect 4 Reference Manual.
From the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.
From the right-hand pane, right-click the computer and from the menu, choose Properties.
Choose the General tab.
Under Configuration, select a security level from the drop-down list.
Click OK.
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